Sunday, February 27, 2011
A Son and a Brother
Well, friends, our greatest dream has come true. Who would have ever thought it would happen so soon, less than 5 months after being adopted. While still learning a new language, learning to adjust to a new home, new family, new food, new country, our God has become His God. Our Father has become his Father. We not only have a new son, we also have a new brother in Christ.
Jian has told us that on his own, a while back, after reading "the blue book" (a Chinese Bible given to us by a friend), he asked Jesus into his heart while in bed one night. Because he's used to being independent and not having people care about him, he didn't realize this was a big deal and something we would want to know! We're so thrilled that God has answered our prayers. In a much bigger way, and much sooner than we could have ever imagined.
At least weekly (and often more), Jian tells us, "I didn't know about God before, when I was in China, no one taught me about God, but, now I know He is real." And, today, he took communion for the first time, and was able to explain what it meant and what it symbolizes. What a special day. What a mighty God we serve.
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Our weeks in review
So, as I was sitting in the hospital Saturday, I was thinking about our past couple of weeks and all that has transpired.
It began on Monday, January 31st. Jon left for Hawaii to go to a conference and visit his sister and brother-in-law in Honolulu.
Before his plane ever left I heard from school that Jian was having a rough day. Before Jon arrived, Jian had to be picked up from school early and Tanner’s school called to let me know he had a probable ear infection. (Nope, this wasn’t the reason we were at the hospital :)). Jian had a rough afternoon as well and settled down after seeing Dad on Skype, safely in Hawaii. It was rough for him not experiencing someone leave and come back, , so it was a hard time for him. Thankfully, the rest of the week was better!
Tuesday morning I awoke at 4:30am to what sounded like the house falling down. There was a terrible thunderstorm with winds up to 70mph! Our neighbors had a tree uprooted in their backyard! We had lots of branches in the yard and trash all over, but, no real damage. My mom was supposed to come from Michigan Tuesday night, and the kids were so excited, but, there was a blizzard in Michigan and high winds in Houston, so, her flight was cancelled.
Wednesday morning, I awoke to no water. The weather had become frigid (just in time for mom to come from up north), and despite making sure the pipes were wrapped and the water dripping, the pipes froze! I decided to deal with it later as the boys had eye doctor appointments in Temple that morning. They dealt with the lack of water without any problems and tolerated the four hours in the car back and forth to Temple very well! Before leaving, I contacted our neighbor to see if they had water, they did (confirming it was our pipes). She kindly offered to help thaw them while I was gone, so I left her my hairdryer and a small space heater that she connected to a couple of extension cords to get to the pipe in the front yard. This was so incredibly generous of her since it was about 18 degrees outside! We had good reports in Temple and enjoyed a nice Chinese lunch with our friend Lisa to celebrate Chinese New Year. Upon arriving home, I heard the details that our neighbor had to endure to get our water running again! My hairdryer overheated starting a fire in our very dry front yard covered with leaves from last fall and…..no running water. With the help of another neighbor walking by, they put out the fire and got the water running again! (Still, not the reason we were at the hospital). After calling the plumber and determining what was the best option for keeping the pipes from freezing, I re-wrapped the outside pipes and kept the water running (not just dripping!) all night long.
My mom’s flight had been rescheduled for Wednesday evening & she finally arrived in College Station about 12:30am Thursday – yippee!!
Thursday was a great day! Mom and I rested at home, enjoyed running water and heat and the boys loved having Grandma in town. The weather was predicted to be bad on Friday, so school was scheduled for a 2 hour delay on Thursday evening, the boys were excited about this, except….Jon was supposed to be flying into Houston Friday morning.
Friday….we woke up to beautiful snow! There was a layer of ice underneath it so school was cancelled for the day! This seemed like a great idea in the morning, but, by afternoon, I was wishing school was back on! We did lots of crafts and games, but, the boys didn’t love the “sitting in front of the fire all day” idea.
So, Jon arrived safely into Houston, but, was stuck there. The shuttle he was to ride home was cancelled for the morning. The roads were too bad to try to venture to Houston to pick him up. The temperature was not supposed to get above freezing, so, we were trying to come up other solutions. The afternoon shuttle was cancelled, and the roads had not improved, so, he decided to take a flight from Houston to College Station. Around 12 hours after he flew into Houston, Jon finally arrived home. The boys were thrilled to see their dad again!
Saturday we had a nice, warm, day. We were able to drive to Dallas to surprise our friends’ Mike and Cathy at their 40th anniversary party! While there Jon’s back became worse (it’s been bothering him for a while and was not great in Hawaii either), and he had a hard time riding home. From then on, he was in bed unable to walk, sit, or stand for the next 5 days. On Thursday, he started developing weakness and increased numbness, so, Friday afternoon he saw a neurosurgeon and Saturday morning he had surgery on a herniated disc to relieve the pressure on the nerves. THAT was why we were in the hospital. He was home by 1pm and was so relieved that the pain was gone. He still has weakness and numbness (could remain for several months), so we’re praying that it will dissipate, and that it will happen soon.
SO, hopefully we’ll be back to our regular programming soon, regular, more boring updates that do not include freezing weather, no water, fires or hospitals!