Tuesday, December 23, 2008

The Bethlehem Candle

I've been a little negligent in posting during these busy weeks of the holiday season. We have a lot of fun pictures (school play, skating with Santa, making Christmas cookies, building a Gingerbread house, etc.), that I will post after Christmas (they're on the computer at home and we're in Whitney at Jon's parents).

Tanner has had a several migraines again over the last several weeks. The medication seems to help them be not as severe, but, they still keep occurring. We saw the geneticist again recently and he has no more answers at this time, but, is continuing to do more testing.

The advent candle that was lit this past Sunday was the Bethlehem candle that symbolizes Peace. I've thought about that the last couple of days and have been so thankful to the Lord for the peace that He has brought us both through His son's birth, and also the peace He gives us with Tanner's diagnosis. Despite the pain and struggles and unknown, we truly do have peace. We are so thankful that we can have this special time to celebrate our Savior's birth! We hope you have a wonderful, joy-filled Christmas!

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